

      Make the best investment

      Scan unlimited keywords for just a one-time payment. Secure your code and revenue now!

      Unlimited Keywords

      Get unlimited keywords for life-time.

      Increased checking frequency

      Check for leaks every hour.

      Unlimited DMCA assistance

      Unlimited DMCA report submission and extension

      Email notification

      Real-time email notifications for
      potential laeks.


      One-time Purchase

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Everything you need to know about the codeRadar.

      What is codeRadar?
      Code Radar is an automated solution that helps you protect your software code from being published on GitHub.It does this by regularly scanning GitHub for your code and notifying you if it is found. The code radar does not scan the private repositories.
      How does Code Radar work?
      Code Radar searching for your code by its unique fingerprint (keywords). It is searching for your keywords in repositories that are similar to yours. Once Code Radar finds your code, it will notify you by email or through a web notification.
      How do I get started with Code Radar?
      To get started with Code Radar, you will need to create an account and provide your unique keywords of your repositories.
      What should I do if I have many software products to protect?
      You can add multiple words (keywords) to monitor those products. For example, if you have a software product called "MyApp" and you want to protect it (suppose you added unique word in repository "MMAAPP", you could add the keywords "MyApp", "myapp","my application", and "MMAAPP" to the Code Radar). This will ensure that Code Radar will notify you if any of those keywords are found in a GitHub repository.
      Is it possible that an email will be directly sent to Github support?
      Yes partially, we can provide build in report for submission with extension. This means that Code Radar will automatically generate a report of any matches it finds so you can send it to GitHub support. This will help you to quickly take action to protect your code.
      If I want a custom plan for my X products, can you provide it?
      Yes, we are open to providing any customization that you need, along with custom subscription plans. This means that we can work with you to create a plan that meets your specific needs and budget.
      After 14 days of the trial, what will happen?
      After the 14-day trial period, you will need to purchase a plan to continue using Code Radar.
      Can I integrate this with our ERP system?
      Yes, we are open to integrating Code Radar with your ERP system or any other software product that you use. This will allow you to seamlessly integrate Code Monitor into your existing workflows and processes.